A Useful Source of Guides and Resources for Extension Professionals

An excellent range of extension guides and resources have been developed and housed as a section on Extension within the Knowledge hub of Beef and Lamb New Zealand. Supported by the Red Meat Profit Partnership, they are a great collection of very practical and useful resources.

They provide Extension Best Practice Guidelines on:

They also have a number of PDF Factsheets, some of which are papers or templates:

The resources will be useful for any Extension professional, working with any industry.

Content sources and further information


Beef and lamb New Zealand, are a farmer owned, industry organisation, representing New Zealand’s sheep and beef farmers. They invest farmer levies in programmes that will grow their sheep and beef industries and provide sustainable returns now and for future generations.


Red Meat Profit Partnership is a Primary Growth Partnership programme that is working to help the New Zealand red meat sector increase productivity and profitability. It is funded by meat processors, banks, beef+land New Zealand and the Ministry for Primary Industries.